The Boston Moder Quilt Guild is launching a Block of the Month this year. I volunteered to do the January block. Well, after a bad stomach bug that set me back over a week, 90"+ of snow and all that comes with life, I have posted the January block only a few days late.
You can download this block for free on Craftsy:
This is a pretty easy paper pieced block, with only four pieces to each section. The hardest part is matching the seams when piecing them together, which us quilters are used to for most other blocks out there.
I actually started making a quilt with this block a number of months ago and decided to post this pattern after enjoying the process of how this quilt is coming together. It's going to be a rainbow, with red in the upper right corner, radiating down to purple in the bottom left corner. The corners will be black and will radiate to a very light gray in the center.
You can download this block for free on Craftsy:
This is a pretty easy paper pieced block, with only four pieces to each section. The hardest part is matching the seams when piecing them together, which us quilters are used to for most other blocks out there.
I actually started making a quilt with this block a number of months ago and decided to post this pattern after enjoying the process of how this quilt is coming together. It's going to be a rainbow, with red in the upper right corner, radiating down to purple in the bottom left corner. The corners will be black and will radiate to a very light gray in the center.
Here's a preview of how it's coming along. I'm up to the green now, and it's getting to be too big for my design wall. I'm hoping I'll finish this quilt top sometime this year.