Here were my goals.
- Machine quilt and finish all my unfinished quilt tops
- Do all the Carol Doak Yahoo Group Scenic Block of the Months (more about this below)
- Make a quilt for my mom (she's been asking for one for a while)
- Teach my mom to quilt (she's been wanting to join us for a little while now and it's about time we get her going...)
- Use as many fabrics and patterns from my stash as possible
- Spend more attention to color tones and values and how I use them in my quilts
- Finish our wedding guest book (we had people sign quilt squares instead of the traditional guest book)
- Name and Label all of my quilts (I know, I know... this is something I should be doing anyway)
- Yeah, this isn't going to happen. I've just added to my pile of quilt tops needing to be machine quilted. I have finished two, have two partially done, and another out to be quilted by a long arm. I have another 7 or so besides what I just listed that need to be done.
- I've done 11 out of the 12. I have the fabric picked out for the 12th block, I just need to piece it and put the top together. This is one I'll be able to mark as met.
- I decided to give my mom the Merry Merlot quilt (from the Happy Hour book by Atkinson Designs). I just need to trim up all of the loose threads and attach the label that is already made.
- My mom took her first quilting class last Tuesday and made a table runner. It's the table runner shown above. She enjoyed it, and signed up for another class at the quilt store she took the first one at. Pretty soon she'll be able to join us on our quilting gatherings and we can help her expand her skills.
- Ok, so I have been using fabric from my stash, but I've also been adding quite a bit to my stash. My Fire & Ice quilt uses fabric that I've had for a while, the Merry Merlot quilt uses a fat quarter bundle I've had for over a year, the Carol Doak Scenic BOM uses all fabric from my stash, and most of it uses scraps, the Bright Bold Block quilt is ALL from my stash, and the McCall's mystery quilt is using Mark Lipinski's Calfilon from my stash. I'd say that's pretty good.
- I'd say I've done well with this.
- I still need to get the squares from my Aunt, so I haven't made any progress here, but there's still time.
- No comment. Ok, so the one quilt I finished completely already and gave to my aunt I didn't label on purpose because I really disliked the quilt so much (it was a mystery quilt) that I didn't want a label on it. I have a label all set to go for the Merry Merlot quilt once I get rid of all of the loose thread. We'll see if I label my other near-finishes.