I've been itching to get into dyeing some of my own fabric lately. I have a few books ordered and on their way about dying fabrics to learn more about it before I really dig in.
I figured I'd ask here, have you dyed fabric before? What was your experience like? Any favorite products? Any good tips/tricks I should know ahead of time that you didn't learn from a book?
Work has been crazy insane lately, so not much quilting has gone on in my house. I'm planning on attending the MQX expo on Saturday. I can't wait. Anyone else going?
I got hooked on dying fabric last August. My favorite books are Color by Accident: Low-Water Immersion Dyeing by Ann Johnston and Fast, Fun & Easy Fabric Dyeing: Create Colorful Fabric for Quilts, Crafts & Wearables by Lynn Koolish. Also go to the Dharma Trading vompany website, they offer a lot of info. I like to prep my fabric on Thrus or Fri nights, then mix and dye on Saturday mornings, let it process for 4-5 hours then rinse and fall in love with all my unque patterns! I do most of my dying in zip-lock bags or pickle jars. Larger pieces I dye in a rubbermaid container. I use the Prcion MX dyes. Make sure you follow all the saftey info. This method is low-mess and easier than you think!
ReplyDeleteI haven't tried it myself, but this post got me wanting to try: http://upstatelisa.blogspot.com/2009/07/have-you-seen-my-zeal.html
ReplyDeleteUse procion MX dyes, prep your fabric the day before, and have fun, beware, the dye solution only has a short life, experiment with left over dye or dye that is getting clse to is last. play with folds, crumples etc. there's plenty of info on the web and loads of good books, be very careful using the dye powders, and DON'T try to iron your soda ash solution fabrics, it is flamable!