Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Lovely Year of Finishes: January Check In

My goal for January is to complete the drawstring bag I need to ship my Dazzling Diamonds quilt in when I send it off to QuiltCon.
These are the fabrics I picked for the bag.  The main part of the bag will be the Jennifer Paganelli West Indies print with a stripe of Kona Charcoal and an accent of Wild Garden by Dan Bennet for Rowan.

Now I need to decide how big I want the bag to be and what I want to use for the lining.

My Button


  1. Ooh, those are pretty fabrics. I really like that aqua one! :)

  2. Love the fabrics. The purple/eggplant print is my favorite.
    Congratulations on your Dazzling diamond quilt to be part of QuiltCon.

  3. I love that JenPag print and it looks fabulous with the aqua. Can't wait to see what you make!
