Friday, May 1, 2009

Finished Bento Box Top

I finally finished putting the borders on my Bento Box quilt.  Life's been crazy the past two weeks trying to get everything in motion with the house.  We signed the P&S this week, so things are finally moving along.  

Here are some pics of the final top.  I love how everything came together. The border has the exact same lime green as in the body of the quilt.  
I'm off to KK's tomorrow to play with her new toy... a quilting frame.  I'm hoping to quilt either my jelly roll braid quilt or my happy hour quilt.  We'll see how much time we have.  I'm also bringing a few projects with me in case KK has a quilt on the frame, that way I can do some quilting at the same time. 

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my favorites. Wouldn't have never thought to use lime green, but it looks GREAT

